Feel free to skip the story and go to the next heading (Your Quest: Rules and Forms) if you want to get straight to the rules, quest, and eligible stories.
You continue down the path, heading in the direction Opal sent you. Even as her words echo in your mind, you contemplate what might lie ahead. What surprises does the rest of this journey hold?
As if on cue, light surges up from the ground. It whips out in your direction and coils around you with a scent like burning cotton. Then the forest disappears.
You find yourself now in a room that smells of old books, fresh coffee, melting toffees, and roasted pecans. This time it seems you’re in a library.
“Hmmm, didn’t think my devil’s trap would work like a portal,” a melodic voice said.
You look around, taking in the scene before you. The room is dimly lit, with a few flickering candles casting shadows on the walls. A stunning woman in an almost Halloween-esque lacy black witch costume stands in front of the archway. Her tight dark curls cascade above her shoulders.
Apparently you really are in a library. Hundreds of elegant books with leather binding and delicate lettering fill shelves that tower high above. Faded parchments and scraps of paper hang at irregular intervals, pinned into the polished wood by some unseen force. Bright orange pumpkins and mottled gourds lay in piles on the floor. And an exceptionally intricate arch with glyphs and runes cuts into the center of the shelves.
“Yes, over here. I know there’s a lot to take in,” the woman says cheerily. Her dark eyes sparkle with delight. “I’m Beatrice. Great to meet you.”
You take an extra breath to get your bearings as you take in this place and the new person who has summoned you. She has a necklace similar to Opal’s, which suggests it’s safe for her to speak her name even if it isn’t for you. “Great to meet you too,” you say with as steady a smile as you can manage. “Do you just catch everyone who walks on that path?” You wonder if this is who Opal referenced earlier.
“No, not at all,” Beatrice says with a hearty laugh. “I know, I know. My using a devil snare like that. You probably think I am one.” She chuckles, spreads her arms, and gives a teasing bow. “But no. Not a demon or a devil myself, but hellbent, shall we say, on catching one.” She giggles at this.
“That sounds like an intriguing goal.” You study her curiously, amused by her carefree demeanor. “Any particular reason?” Even if she did sort of kidnap you, that’s been happening more recently, and she doesn’t seem threatening.
Beatrice picks up a pumpkin and examines it. “Because I’m curious. A friend of mine is supposedly being asked to marry a vampire. Something his ruler is making him do. And when he told me, he said it was something he had never considered. He’s actually getting a little excited for it. And then I decided, hey, why not? I love adventures.”
“So you want to go on a date with a vampire?”
“Oh, no,” she says, laughing. “Been there. Done that. Several times. No, I want to try dating someone outside my comfort zone. I’m thinking devils.”
“Devils?” You repeat.
“Or demons.” She grins, her charm absolutely contagious. “And as you helped two of my friends already, I was hoping you could help me.”
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued by Beatrice’s request. “Help you date a demon or devil?” you ask skeptically. “I’m not sure how I can assist with that.”
“Well,” Beatrice begins, her cheer somehow even stronger now. “I was hoping you could find some stories that help me learn what it’s like to have a romance with a devil or demon. Or just have them involved in some way.”
“So…like what I did for Zen and Opal? You want to know stories that have certain tropes.”
“Yes!” She lifts her shoulders and then holds up the pumpkin. As she holds it out, letters form over it, listing out various tropes and requirements. “Could you read the pumpkin and recommend some stories?”
Slowly you take the pumpkin. “Sure…sure, I can recommend some stories that match these tropes.” You turn the smooth pumpkin over in your hands, finding it hard to keep a straight face. “Do you want me to write on the pumpkin then?”
“Hm.” She hands you a thick sharpie. “If you wouldn’t mind.” She grins.
You nod as you look at the notes that magically appeared on the pumpkin. “Not at all.” Chewing on the inside of your lip, you start to mark down the titles of stories you’d recommend to someone in her situation.
Your Quest: Prize, Rules, and Forms
Once you complete this quest, you will be entered in a chance to win a $5 gift card.
This is open to anyone.
To complete the Quest, you can use stories from the list below.
You can only use a story for one element on the list in this quest. It is all right if you repeat a story from any other quest though.
This quest includes a custom curated list of all the stories in the event that include witches, wizards, or necromancers. You may use any of the ones on this page to solve this quest.
Be kind to your fellow readers and other authors.
The Forms
This one you will either fill out a Google Form or email us your discoveries. Refer to the form to find the list of required stories even if you choose to email.
Each answer is worth 1 token. Each token is an entry into the giveaway.
Bonus Tokens
In addition to the regular tokens, you can get bonus tokens by completing the following acts.
One extra token for every story you share in an individual social media post. (Yes, you can post on multiple platforms.)
Use #witchybrewbonus (and if you want to absolutely bless me, save off the links and paste them in the forms or an email to make sure we definitely see them. Screenshots also work.).
(We have graphics of all the stories here so you don’t have to make something separate. Just look look under the author’s last name to find the stories.)
Submitting Your Form
Once you’ve gathered up your collection of stories, you’ll need to turn them in so we can verify.
You can turn in your stories in two ways.
- Complete this form and directly post your answers (if you do this, you don’t need to turn in anything else. The form will allow you to return to it and edit your answers).
- Email your answers to faeornofae@farofeb.com. Make sure to include any of the bonus activities you have done as well. Use the title A Devilish Deal or Devils and Demons Quest or some similar identifier.
Make sure to submit your completed form or list by October 30 at 11:59 PM EST.
If you have any problems, please feel free to email faeornofae@farofeb.com.
Heat Levels
All stories are ranked on a romance scale of one to four chili peppers to indicate spice levels. We use the Heat Levels Guide depicted here.
This graphic has also been saved in the Graphics Folder for the event in case you want to share it as well.
Demons and Devils in Our World and Others
Devils and Demons in Stories in Our Worlds and Others

As you finish marking down the last of the stories, Beatrice squeals with excitement. “You are just the absolute best,” she says.
You blush a little as you hand her the pumpkin, now covered in various titles and recommendations. “I hope these help.”
“I’m sure they will.” Beatrice tucks between a stack of books on the shelf and flings her arms around your neck, hugging you tight. “Thank you so much.”
“No problem.” You pat her on the back and then step away, smiling at her zeal for life. “Just be careful with those devils and demons.”
“Oh, I will.” Beatrice winks at you as she turns to leave, her skirt swishing with her lilting steps. As she reaches the archway, she turns and faces you. “I know Opal told you where I was, so I’ll pass on the favor. When you get to the weeping willow tree, take a left. And if you see a sort of ramshackle shack, don’t be afraid to go inside, okay?’ She grins, pointing at you as she scrunches up her face. “Yeah, I know you’re not scared of no ghosts.”
“What?” You laugh at this.
“Yeah. You’re going to have a great time.” She flutters her fingers and then disappears beyond the archway.
As she vanishes, the library around you swirls and then vanishes as if only made of smoke. You stand in the middle of a forest, the crimson red of the leaves twinkling in the moonlight. With a deep breath, you start to make your way down the path toward the weeping willow tree Beatrice mentioned.
The night is full of mysterious sounds – from howling winds and twittering birds to rustling branches and distant ravens. Excitement stirs within you as you make your way through the forest. The path is narrow, and the trees loom tall and dark above you. As you walk, you feel the weight of centuries of history and magic in the air. Who knows what tomorrow will hold!